No respite for PoK as Pakistan continues its barbarity

Apr 29, 2019

PoK, Apr 29, 2019: It’s been more than seven decades and Pakistan occupied Kashmir is still reeling under Islamabad-afflicted atrocities. The region is enduring a multi-dimensional subjugation in the form of social and political marginalization, acute discrimination in all schemes and services and barbarity of security forces at even a hint of dissent. With limited educational opportunities, the region has dismal literacy statistics and unemployment is widespread. Islamabad has been vigorously exploiting its resources with no returns for the local population. Pakistan makes tall claims of according autonomy to the region, but the reality is different--- not even a leaf shakes without Islamabad’s consent. It has also restricted media reporting from this region. Anybody who wants to stay and interact with the people of the region must have permission from the interior ministry of the country.